Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Assay Kit
Method: Latex Enhanced IT Liquid reagent, R1: R2=3:1
NGAL (Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin), a 25-kDa glycoprotein covalently bound to gelatinase, it is synthesized and secreted by tubular epithelial cells of the proximal and distal segment. In healthy kidneys, it is barely detectable in either plasma or urine. However, in the setting of acute tubular injury, NGAL undergoes rapid and profound up regulation with large increases in both urine and plasma. Distinct from traditional markers of function such as creatinine, this rapid response enables NGAL to identify injured kidney much earlier than was previously possible.
Intra assay precision |
N=20 |
level 1 |
level 2 |
Mean(ng/ml) |
151.06 |
505.64 |
SD |
5.13 |
8.66 |
CV(%) |
3.39% |
1.71% |
Inter assay precision |
N=5 |
Batch 1 |
Batch 2 |
Batch 3 |
Mean(ng/ml) |
154.30 |
149.09 |
152.82 |
152.07 |
(Xmax-Xmin)/ |
3.43% |
The limit of quantitation (lowest concentration for which CV is less than a target of 20%)is 13.28ng/ml.
The correlation of a well-known brand(X) and Gcell(y) is y = 1.0044x +8.3600, R2 = 0.99814.

Analytes |
Concentration |
Hemoglobin |
500 mg/dl |
Vitamin C |
50 mg/dl |
Direct Bilirubin |
30 mg/dl |
Heparin |
500U/ml |
Intralipid |
1500mg/dl |
Linearity is up to 4920 ng/ml